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Staging Your Home

Whether it is winter, spring, summer, or fall, there are always a number of real estate listings for sale in Collingwood. This means that homeowners have to stay sharp to make a good impression. Although there are many cool, unusual ways to market your home, staging is tried and true. However, while trying to put their best foot forward, some homeowners will slip, especially during the staging process.

Although staging a home may seem like a simple task, it isn’t a picnic. There are a number of nuanced details that homeowners have to keep in mind. Those that don’t can potentially have a stagnant house on their hands.

With a little bit of help, hard work, and research, any homeowner can stage their Collingwood home like a pro. Additionally, they can learn exactly what they should avoid if they want to attract the right kind of attention.

Things to Avoid Number One – Personal Items

While a home is being lived in, the owners will generally fill it with personal items like photos and souvenirs from their travels. This makes a home look unique and inviting. For many sellers, placing some of your personal items in a storage facility and out of sight of potential buyers is a good idea.

However, during the staging process, there should never be any sentimental or nostalgic items lying around.

Instead, homeowners in Collingwood should depersonalize their home. Homeowners can still make their houses look warm and welcoming. However, they need to do so with neutral decorations. If a homeowner really wants to add a personal touch, they can add some related accessories around the house.

While staging, homeowners can decorate with items like:

Things to Avoid Number Two – “Over” Staging

Even if the decor is neutral, homeowners in Collingwood, Ontario can easily “over” stage. This a term that is used to describe homeowners that use too many items in the staging process. As mentioned earlier, candles can add a personal, yet tasteful, touch to a room. However, if every other space had a collection of candles in it, the house may look tacky.

Alternatively, homeowners should keep the saying “less is more” in mind while they are staging. Homeowners should have no more than a handful of unique accessories in each room. This will help it stand out from other listings in the neighbourhood.

Things to Avoid Number Three – Going in Solo

There is no denying that selling a house can be a lucrative process. However, homeowners also can’t ignore the fact that they need to spend money to make money. One thing that all homeowners should invest in is an interior decorator. These professionals can give homeowners a number of insightful tips.

To become an interior decorator, one has to go to post-secondary school for a number of years. During this time, they learn numerous techniques and methods that can improve a home’s visual appeal. Interior decorators use the skills they have gained to make homes enticing to buyers.

Homeowners that don’t want to hire an interior decorator are skating on thin ice. Although many homeowners have a sense of style, not all of them know how to show off the best aspects of their home. This is what many interior decorators excel at.

Before hammering a “for sale” sign into the front lawn, homeowners in the Collingwood area need to do some homework. One of the most important things they need to learn is what to avoid during the staging process. Homeowners that want their listings to do well should steer clear of all personal items.

Additionally, homeowners should do their best to not “over” stage. Finally, homeowners should always utilize a professional interior decorator. This will minimize the chances of the home getting overlooked by potential buyers.

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