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Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

Hurricanes can be a big concern for Cabo San Lucas and the Baja Peninsula, especially during the summer season when people are most interested in buying a home in Cabo San Lucas. Hurricane season in Mexico lasts from June to November, but some storms may form outside of this time frame. Here are some things you need to know about hurricane season in Cabo!

When is Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas?

Cabo’s hurricane season begins at the beginning of June and lasts through November. Although, there have been some storms that have formed outside these months as well. This hurricane season affects primarily those who are looking to purchase a home or condo unit in Cabo for full ownership. When hurricane season is approaching, many people choose to rent instead because it can be quite risky to own a property during this time of year – especially if it has been hurricane-free up until now!

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

How is the Weather in Cabo During Hurricane Season?

Although September is the most active month of hurricane season, it’s actually not as severe as it seems. Cabo San Lucas is located at the Baja California Peninsula’s tip and usually receives mere remnants of tropical storms or hurricanes. While the forecast may predict rain for one or two days each week, you will likely see clear skies and sunny days most of the time. However, it can get very hot and humid.

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

Is Hurricane Insurance Important When Buying a Home in Cabo San Lucas?

Make sure you look into hurricane insurance if it isn’t already included with your home insurance. If you haven’t bought a home yet and hurricane season is just around the corner, ask your realtor to do this for you so they can begin work immediately. If you own a car or other property in Mexico, purchasing hurricane insurance as soon as possible is recommended if you haven’t already; otherwise, they may not be covered if hurricane season strikes.

How Do I Prepare For Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas?

If you want to purchase a home in Cabo during hurricane season, there are some things that you should do as preparation before hurricane season begins or as soon as possible after hurricane season begins. You may have noticed that drainage is not good around most properties in Cabo San Lucas throughout the year. This is because of how rocky it is along most beaches, so this hurricane season it is important to be even more careful.

Move Outdoor Belongings That Could Cause Damage From Winds

The first hurricane preparation tip for a hurricane that is approaching is to clear out any objects  from around your property that could end up causing damage if winds get high, such as branches or outdoor furniture that may fall due to strong winds. If it is not possible to bring them indoors prior to hurricane season, make sure they are tied down tight so that they will not blow away during high winds.

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

Make Sure Windows Are Shut Tight With Extra Protection

The second hurricane preparation tip for a hurricane is to make sure all windows are shut tight and do not have any gaps between the door and where it shuts. Windows should also be shut tight with no gaps between panels of glass either – you can use tape or even small towels or another item that will block out rain or water that may come in through the window if winds are strong enough. You can also buy roll-down hurricane shutters but make sure they’re up before hurricane season begins! Another option is to purchase hurricane resistant windows that will protect your home from hurricane force winds.

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

Stock Up On Non-Perishable Items

Although you don’t want to cause a panic and overstock on items, it is a good idea to create a checklist and grab some non-perishable items such as batteries, candles, matches, a few days worth of water and non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and a flashlight.

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas

Understand the Evacuation Plan

Although you may not need to evacuate most of the time, it is always best to have a plan laid out in preparation for the worst case scenario. Research local official websites to find shelter spaces near you in case of emergency. It is also important to create a plan with the family in case a hurricane strikes during a work or school day.

Hurricane Season in Cabo San Lucas


Hurricane season is a big concern for Cabo San Lucas and the Baja Peninsula, especially during the summer season. It’s important to know some of the things you can do to prepare in case there are any storms that may form this year. For more information on hurricane season or if you need help with your real estate needs, call a Cabo realtor today!

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